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geschichte, schlager -

We want to get to the bottom of the hit in this article. What does it mean, how has it developed and what is the status of the Schlager music genre today. What is pop music? Schlager is a musical style of European popular music that is generally a catchy instrumental accompaniment to vocal pieces of popular music with simple, cheerful and often sentimental lyrics. It is found in Central, Northern and Southeastern Europe (particularly Germany, Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, Scandinavia and the Baltic States) and (to a lesser extent) widespread in France,...

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geschichte, musikszene, schlager -

The music scene in Germany has always had a strong presence in the world. Germany is still the largest music market in Europe and the third largest in the world [1]. Germany boasts some of the world's most renowned composers, singers, producers and performers. Folk music Germany has many unique regions with their own folk traditions in music and dance. In both East and West Germany, children were taught folk songs; these were popular, sunny and optimistic and had little connection to authentic German folk traditions . Inspired by the revival of American and English roots, Germany experienced many changes...

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