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geschichte, marsch -

Each of us can imagine something about marching music. Music for marching. But what else is behind it and what does marching music look like in other countries? What is meant by marching music? A march as a musical genre is a piece of music with a strong regular rhythm that was originally written expressly for marching to, and most often performed by, a military band. In terms of atmosphere, the marches range from the moving death march in Wagner's Götterdämmerung to the brisk military marches of John Philip Sousa to the martial hymns of the late 19th century. Examples...

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geschichte, musikszene -

Music has been part of everyday life since time immemorial - and nothing has changed to this day. We now want to take a short excursion into the musical landscape of Germany in order to understand why you find the sheet music you find there at the Seifert music publishing house and the reason why both classical and folk music are still so popular. Classical Music: The Three Bs German classical music has experienced a development period of several hundred years, which began in the 16th century and has remained alive to this day. But it was the composers of...

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geschichte, musikszene -

Folk music is a modern, popular variant of the traditional folk music of German-speaking countries. Although it is often marketed as folk music, it is different from traditional folk music. Folk music is often performed commercially by prominent singers and focuses on newly created sentimental and happy feel-good compositions. Folk music is sometimes instrumental, but is usually performed by one or, especially, two singers. It is very popular with an adult audience in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, but also in South Tyrol (Italy), Alsace (France), the Netherlands, Flanders (Belgium), Slovenia, Silesia (Poland) and northern Croatia . Peculiarities of folk music Closely...

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blasmusik, geschichte, klassifikation -

Definition: Wind instrument, any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrational medium to produce sound. Classification of wind instruments Wind instruments exhibit a great diversity in structure and sonority and have been prominently represented in the music of all cultures since prehistoric times . A classification system of these tools must reflect and categorize the relationships and differences between the many variants. The traditional division of the symphony orchestra into sections has simplified the grouping of wind instruments into woodwind and brass, but this is an imprecise classification that does not generally apply outside of Western culture. The...

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geschichte, polka -

The polka is originally a Czech dance and a genre of dance music known throughout Europe and America. It emerged in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. In many European and American countries, the polka remains a popular folk music genre and is performed by folk artists. The history of the polka Origin and popularity The beginning of the spread of dance and accompanying music called polka is generally attributed to a young woman, Anna Slezáková (née Anna Chadimová). Music teacher Josef Neruda noticed that in 1830 she danced in an unusual...

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