Musikverlag Bernhard Geiger

Wirtshaussingen Volume 1 for accordion

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Artikelnr.: NSB87
Gewicht: 250 g

Wirtshaussingen Volume 1 for accordion Noten wurden von Musikverlag Bernhard Geiger arrangiert und verzaubern Musikliebhaberinnen und Musikliebhaber seit Jahren!

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Wirtshaussingen Volume 1 for accordion Noten im Detail

Tavern Singing - Songbook 1

40 hearty songs for social gatherings

A5 format

Melody, chords, lyrics


I'll return home one day
Ois, just no water
Aloha Oe
On the beach of the Danube
There's no sin on the mountain pasture

At the Königstein Fortress
On the Swabian Railway
Caramba, Caracho, a whiskey
The raftsman's song
The old hunter
The old shepherd
The Leipoldsnickel
Man lives from food
The loyal hussar
The rowan tree
The world's frustration
The Gaass
The funny wood chipper boom
The moon shines so brightly
Enjoy life
In the green forest, where the thrush sings
In the forest, there are the robbers
In a small Polish town
Let's enjoy life
To my homeland
Upper Franconia song
Snow Waltz
Deep in the Bohemian Forest
Deep in the Franconian Forest
Water rushes from the mountains
True Friendship (Hohe Tannen)
When the swallows head home
We want to lift one (Nabucco)
Drinking song potpourri
Hans stay there
March song medley
Say goodbye, brothers
From the blue mountains

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