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Johannes Thaler

Now the mail is off - Leo Avalanche

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  • Regular price 44,90 €
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Artikelnr.: N531 KBL
Gewicht: 200 g

Now the mail is off - Leo Avalanche Noten wurden von Johannes Thaler arrangiert und sind Balsam für jede Musikerseele!

Hier finden Sie folgende Voices:
  • Little brass music-Noten

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Now the mail is off - Leo Avalanche Noten im Detail

The current mood party song
by Leo Lawine: The title says it all!


Grade: 2-3
Editing: Johannes Thaler

Small brass music includes the following voices:
Directorate in C
1st clarinet in Bb
2nd clarinet in Bb
1. Alto saxophone in Eb
1. Tenor Saxophone in Bb
1st trumpet / 1st flugelhorn in Bb
2nd trumpet / 2nd flugelhorn in B
(3rd trumpet in Bb)
1st tenor horn in Bb
2nd tenor horn in Bb
Baritone in C
Baritone in Bb
1st trombone in C + 1st trombone in B
2nd trombone in C + 2nd trombone in B
2. Bass in C + Bass in B
Electric bass
Piano / keyboard / vocals

  • Little brass music: N531 KBL