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Arr./Komp. Gerhard Zinke

Merry Christmas

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  • Regular price 47,00 €
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Artikelnr.: 5002003
Gewicht: 500 g

Merry Christmas Noten wurden von Gerhard Zinke arrangiert und sind genau das, was Musik ausmacht!

Hier finden Sie folgende Voices:
  • Great brass music-Noten

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Merry Christmas Noten im Detail

Christmas carol potpourri in a modern style

Difficulty: Lower to intermediate

Oh you happy one
Jingle bell
A rose has sprung up
what is that supposed to mean
Merry Christmas everywhere
At the Christmas tree
There will be something tomorrow children

“Big brass music” includes direction in C
1.Flute (2x)
Eb clarinet
1.Clarinet (2x)
2.Clarinet (2x)
3.Clarinet (2x)
1.E-flat alto sax
2.E-flat alto sax.
1.B-Tenor Sax
2.B-Tenor Sax.
Baritone Sax.
1.Flugelhorn in Bb (2x)
2. Flugelhorn in Bb (2x)
1. Trumpet in Bb (2x)
2. Trumpet in Bb (2x)
3.Trumpet in Bb
1.Horn in Eb1.Horn in F
2.Horn in Eb2.Horn in F
3.Horn in Eb
1.Tenor horn in Bb (2x)
2nd tenor horn in Bb
3.Tenor horn in Bb
Baritone in Bb (2x)
Baritone in C (2x)
1st trombone in C and B
2nd trombone in C and B
3rd trombone in C and B
Bass 1 in C
2,Bass in C (2x)
B bass
Drums (2x)

  • Great brass music: 5002003