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Arr./Komp. Rudi Seifert

Captain Cook and his singing saxophones 1 (sheet music for the playback CD)

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Captain Cook and his singing saxophones 1 (sheet music for the playback CD) nur noch auf Anfrage verfügbar

Artikelnr.: 100101340AS
Gewicht: 100 g

Captain Cook and his singing saxophones 1 (sheet music for the playback CD) Noten wurden von Rudi Seifert arrangiert und verzaubern Musikliebhaberinnen und Musikliebhaber seit Jahren!

Hier finden Sie folgende Voices:
  • 1. Alto saxophone in Eb-Noten
  • 1. Tenor Saxophone in Bb-Noten
  • 1. Trumpet-Noten
  • C voice-Noten

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Captain Cook and his singing saxophones 1 (sheet music for the playback CD) Noten im Detail

Homeland Melodies Volume 1:

  • The Foreign Legionnaire
  • Little Annabell
  • Patrona Bavariae
  • Rolling home
  • Home on the range
  • Sierra Madre del Sur
  • Black eyes
  • The White Moon of Maratonga
  • Swanee River
  • Except long syne

"1st part for trumpet" also suitable for clarinet
"C voice" for accordion, keyboard and guitar

You can find the corresponding one here  Playback CD .

Each music track is recorded once as a full playback and once as a half playback. With full playback you can listen to the title in its entirety, while with half playback the first part is left out so that the musician can play it themselves. If the pieces of music are two-part songs, this second part is already included on the CD.

  • 1. Alto saxophone in Eb: 100101340AS
  • 1. Tenor Saxophone in Bb: 100101340TS
  • 1. Trumpet: 100101340Trp
  • C voice: 100101340C